Friday, March 22, 2013

Curl Up with The Great Gatsby!

Have you seen the weekend forecast?  Snow, blowing snow, more snow, depending on where you live.

For Olivia and me, we are on the northern edge of the watch area.  Seth may be on the southern edge and out of any significant accummulation, from what I have seen on the latest weather maps.  However, the rest of you in the central band---watch out!

What a great time to settle into the couch, cover up with a warm quilt, start a fire (if you have a fireplace), brew a mug of hot tea or coffee, and crack open The Great Gatsby!

Since our favorite 3-year-old will be with us on Saturday, overnight, and returning home on Sunday afternoon (at least that is the plan), I will probably be catching up on my Saturday morning grading instead.

*Jay Gatsby (aka Robert Redford--swoon!)
Stay warm. If you have to get out into the snow, be safe.  Enjoy some reading time, if you can!  Blog something too!


  1. I protest this weather! Sunday afternoon is the second attempt to get some Tomcats neutered near Lafayette. The last time this deal was offered to have male cats neutered for fifteen dollars an ice/sleet/rain storm hit the area. The Thursday before this Sunday night slippery mess occurred I slid my van off the road into a field and saw the dirt less than 3 feet from my left shoulder! I will drive 15 miles an hour if I have to, these boys are going to be neutered this week!

    Snow, snow, go away,come again some November day!

  2. I agree! I protest this weather! I'm so over this snow. I really don't want to drive through it any more.

  3. Mrs S..that is exactly what I did. Didn't get to it until the afternoon (after shoveling)..see my post today!!! I am finding it to be an interesting book and look forward to finishing it this week!
