Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Reader's Digest

Ever since I graduated from college many moons ago, my parents have given me a subscription to the Reader's Digest.  One year at Christmas somehow there was a double subscription so now the expiration date is Dec 2014.  Nearly two more years of the Digest!

Dad always loved reading the Digest, as did my grandfather.  They used to discuss various articles they had read.  Me?  I started by reading what I thought were the most interesting things:  Campus Comedy, Life in These United States, All in a Day's Work, Humor in Uniform.  Then I discovered the Word Power, and I always tried to get a top score as I tried to deciper the definitions of the words, using the roots and suffixes and prefixes. 

The articles never really seemed to interest me until well into my adult life, then I discovered various human interest stories that seemed to broaden my horizons in some way. Heroes in Real Life, stories about celebrities, just everyday people with everyday problems and solutions---all of those piqued my interest.

Recently I discovered that I could have my subscription to RD converted from the copy we received in the mail to a digital format which would pop in my Newstand on my iPad.  Wow.  Cool.  I went through the process to change my subscription, the little Reader's Digest cover appeared in my Newstand, and I was all set.  Yeah! 

Tonight when I came home from Logansport, what was on the dining room table with the mail but a copy of the Reader's Digest!  My husband said "You changed that to the digital version, didn't you?"  I did. We still have the paper copy.  Oh well...maybe it will appear on a table in the Student Commons.  Maybe I will take it along to a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and forget to take  it with me when I leave.

I am sure someone else will get a little bit of enjoyment from reading Campus Comedy or All in a Day's Work or feel a little proud to score the big numbers on Word Power!


  1. Oh... I did it again. My comment became a blog. I apologize for using the Reader's Digest in my second blog of the day. As I read this blog the memories started flooding back and my fingers would not shut up. Plus I have digital copies of all my school photos and my kindergarten photos was just too precious not to share. I've not figure out how to put a photo in a comment, if that is even possible.

  2. I haven't read a Reader's Digest in years, but I think they are awesome! I have always been an avid reader and would read anything I could get my hands on! My aunt and uncle would send their old copies of Reader's Digest to or family when they finished reading them, in my tween and teen years, I would read every copy, or at least what interested me, which was usually most of it! There is a lot of good reading in those little magazines! My favorites were Laughter the Best Medicine and Word Power. I never missed either one in the issues, I followed them religiously! Speaking of, another little magazine that I adore are Guideposts! They are very inspiring!
