Saturday, March 2, 2013

No Time to Read!

"Yes, Mrs. S.  We too have 'no time to read' and you are overloading us with reading assignments!"

I understand.  My whining of 'oh no...I have no time to read!' comes from the overload of grading I have been experiencing the last few weeks--plus other things.

It seems like every one of the five classes has had urgent demands lately.

Basketball season is FINALLY over, but with the sectional win came a Saturday spent in a gym watching the regional game.  Now that my husband is not at practice every day and running off to games several times a week, he is home waiting for me to arrive so we can go someplace or do something.  Not a bad thing, but not a good thing when I have other things, like grading, to do.

Family obligations interrupt my grading routine also.  Since our son-in-law had back surgery last week, we had Landon for a few days, then I fixed dinner for them one night, and we have stopped by (which means a 45 minute drive each way) to help out while he is recovering.  Our other daughter and son-in-law are expecting our second grandchild in August, so she has been very talkative about plans for the nursery (have to visit them to see the actual room--another 15 minutes beyond the other daughter's house). Then there are the in-laws, who called while we were in Pyrmont to tell us the cows were out so we had to drive nearly an hour to their house to discover the cows weren't really out; instead, we think my mother-in-law saw some deer wandering around in the yard in the dark.  Just things like that, which I know all of my students experience, but for some reason many students think their instructors don't experience these 'life events.'

Back to my 'topic of the day':  No Time to Read!

Reading for pleasure has been at the bottom of my to-do list.  Even my morning time for the Online Bible Study has been interrupted.  Many experts have urged us to set aside a time and never stray from it for morning devotions or just pleasure reading time. Good for the soul.  Good for the body (relaxation before sleep).  Just good.

But how to do that when so many other things are pulling at one's time?  No, the online Ad Analysis papers are not completely finished because I was reading a novel.  Doesn't work for me,  and it doesn't work for my students.

This morning I am checking off the list:

Pay bills.  Check!
Wrap baby shower gift.  Check!
Check messages for all five classes.  Check!
Update blog addresses.  Check!
Add blog post for today.  Check!

Yet to do:

Finish grading ENGL 112 online Ad Analysis papers
Grade ENGL 112 online Annotated Bibs
Grade RBofC Pod submissions
Go to baby shower
Meet one daughter, son-in-law, and grandson for fish fry in Francesville
Return home and finish whatever I didn't finish from the first three items on the list

To remember:  Spring Break is coming!  Time to read!

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