Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finshed One, Beginning Another

Earlier I had mused about having no time to read.  On the brink of Spring Break, it seemed like a good thing to plan to do...read, read, read. 

Unfortunately my numerous books on my Nook/Kindle apps on my iPad have just been sitting there, patiently waiting for me to crack open their virtual covers.  Not too much reading has been happening here in the condo on the Atlantic Ocean.

But I did finish one book. I had been participating in an online Bible study with a book by Karen Ehman called Let. It. Go. The focus was on reliquishing the need to control every aspect of one's life, with a focus on women since many of the chapters related to being wives, mothers, daughters, working mothers, single mothers.  I really enjoyed the book; in fact, I read it before the OBS began, then read it again with the  group of several thousand.  I even allowed myself to be added to a special Facebook group so we could bond, get to know each other, help each other with the study, compare experiences, and share thoughts.  That was a flop since only two people participated in any type of coversations.  I really did enjoy the study, however, and the book itself.  I hope I can put into practice the ideas presented.

Now I am reading another one, Seal of Honor: Operation Red Wings and the Life of Lt. Michael P. Purphy, USN  by Gary Williams. I know this book will be very intense and meaningful.  I hope to become deeply engrossed in the book during the remainder of our time here and on the long drive home this weekend.

I will keep you posted.....

1 comment:

  1. This post reminds me of one of my favorite quotes "Let Go and Let God"-this quote is a constant reminder that I cannot do it all without His help! I have let go quite a bit and just let the good Lord take over! I do not study my Bible as often as I wish I did; you are such an inspiration and your post made me realize that I do need to make more time for God.
    I have read all of your vacation posts and have enjoyed the photos very much. I particularly liked "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls. I even looked the poem up and enjoyed it also! I think I read it last year in poetry class, but my memory is not so great! I understand what you felt, I look back over photos of my children and remember all the good times-I really miss it, but they have given me 6 beautiful grandchildren to enjoy and to make many new memories with!
